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4-hr Cancellation Policy

Simply Massage requires at least 4 hours notice to move, change, or cancel your appointment. If you cancel within the 4 hours of your appointment, you will be charged for your appointment regardless of the reason.


Our Blog

Does CBD Really Work? Here’s What Science Says

Does CBD Really Work? Here’s What Science Says

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, has taken the wellness world by storm, promising relief from a variety of ailments. In fact, 60% of Americans have tried at least one CBD product. But amidst all the hype, one question remains: Does CBD really work? In this...

Massage for Rotator Cuff Injury: A Quick Guide

Massage for Rotator Cuff Injury: A Quick Guide

Rotator cuff injuries are all too common, especially among athletes or anyone who does repetitive overhead activities. These injuries can be painful and debilitating, affecting the shoulder’s function and range of motion. The good news is that massage therapy can be a...