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4-hr Cancellation Policy

Simply Massage requires at least 4 hours notice to move, change, or cancel your appointment. If you cancel within the 4 hours of your appointment, you will be charged for your appointment regardless of the reason.

How to Get Rid of Sore Muscles: 3 Proven Methods

Do you have sore muscles after a day on the mountain? If you’re not used to it, challenging or unfamiliar exercises like skiing, snowboarding, or mountain biking can bring more muscle soreness than you’re used to. Delay onset muscle soreness or DOMS might be something...

Therapist Spotlight: Shinji Tsuji

Welcome to the March edition of Simply Massage’s Therapist Spotlight! Last month you got to meet Mike Sprinkle, and this month we’ll introduce you to our very own Shinji Tsuji. Tell us a little about yourself, Shinji! Shinji: I’m originally from...