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4-hr Cancellation Policy

Simply Massage requires at least 4 hours notice to move, change, or cancel your appointment. If you cancel within the 4 hours of your appointment, you will be charged for your appointment regardless of the reason.

Do You Know These Deep Tissue Massage Benefits?

In 2021, 25% of men and 21% of women in the US got at least one massage. What about you? Do you view massage as little more than a frivolous luxury? Or do you think there are legitimate health benefits of a deep tissue massage? The truth is that massage can do wonders...
Vail Massage: 4 Reasons to Book Your Session Today

Vail Massage: 4 Reasons to Book Your Session Today

You’ve skied hard all day. Your legs burn. Your back aches. You’re frozen to the core. The hot tub is nice…but it only helps so much. What’s missing from your mountain vacation? It sounds like you need to book a Vail massage to reinvigorate...